PDG Visit to One Rotary Center
Posted on Jul 22, 2016
In June 2016, Past District Governor César Caro had the opportunity to go and visit One Rotary Center, the headquarters and birthplace of Rotary International located in Evanston, Il.. Room 711, the office of Rotary International founder, Paul Harris, is on display inside of Rotary Headquarters. PDG César also had the opportunity to go to Chicago, Il and visit Paul Harris's house which is currently under restoration (a 2 million dollar project) and The Paul Harris Memorial Grave Site. PDG César had meetings with his 2010-2011 District Governor classmates, known as The Burgundy Brigade, and with Past Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith (2010-2011) He also met with Past Rotary International President K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran (2015-2016), Rotary International John Germ (2016-2017) and Rotary International General Secretary John Hewko. Special thanks to the Sweetwater Rotary Club.