PLEASE JOIN our 3 RLI Training Specialists for  
Rotary Leadership Institute 
Saturday, September 17, 2022
9 AM - 4 PM
Please consider sending 2 or more Rotarians from your club. 
RLI is a grassroots training program established to improve Rotary knowledge and leadership skills of future leaders of Rotary clubs and our District.  
RLI has grown and expanded since 1992.  The purpose of RLI is to help future club leaders and all Rotary members prepare for club and community leadership through quality training and education.
RLI has spread to more than 400 districts in the Rotary world and has been translated into ten languages.
Click on the RLI logo below to register.
First United Methodist Church
411 Broadway, Lubbock, TX
(Enter on 13th under the drive-through. Large parking lot south of the Church)
Governor Line of D5730