In an effort to increase membership and highlight Rotary’s inspiring work, RI President Barry Rassin is urging clubs and districts to organize fun, informal community events called Rotary Days.
"Rotary Days events will offer you the chance to have an impact in your community, build long-term partnerships, increase interest in membership, and improve Rotary’s image," Rassin said.
Any club, big or small, can host a Rotary Day. Neighboring clubs can pool their resources and co-host an event, and entire districts can come together for a large-scale Rotary Day.
Tips for planning a Rotary Day:
- Consider including a hands-on service project as part of the event to let visitors see for themselves how Rotary benefits the community.
- Feature guests that appeal to a non-Rotary audience. Consider young leaders, inspirational speakers, celebrities, musicians, or other public figures.
- If the event will offer food, keep it simple — for example, a self-service buffet rather than a formal, sit-down meal.
- Advocate on local issues related to Rotary’s areas of focus by calling attention to challenges that affect people in your area.
- If you charge admission, keep prices low. Ask local businesses to sponsor your event.
- Welcome families and make the event enjoyable for them.
- Present Rotary as an appealing opportunity for potential members to make new friends, exchange ideas, and take action to improve their community and the world. Avoid using Rotary jargon or referring to club traditions.
- Highlight the work of local Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotary Community Corps members, and other community members who do extraordinary humanitarian work.
- Recognize non-Rotary community members who demonstrate Rotary’s service ideals.
- Sponsor an event with a partner organization to show that, by working together, we make a deeper and more lasting impact on communities.
- Ask local news media to cover the event.
- Collect participants’ contact information, and invite them to future club events.
- Partner with local civic groups, service organizations or local businesses.
During and after your event, post photos and videos with the hashtag #RotaryDay to social media. We’ll collect photos of Rotary Day events around the world and show them at the 2019 Rotary International Convention in Hamburg, Germany. Some may also appear in Rotary media throughout the year.
"Imagine the collective impact we can have if all 35,000 Rotary, 10,000 Rotaract, and 22,000 Interact clubs engage their neighbors, friends, young people, and organizations," Rassin said.